JoyGift Waves of Joy
Spiritual experiences and teachings in Florida
Spirituality and science now agree that substantial individual and collective change is achieved only by increasing our vibrational frequency.
All the efforts we have made so far to change have been ineffective since we have acted from the point of view of the ego, of the personality and therefore from the field of suffering with its programs. These operate precisely through efforts, stress, tribulations, sense of separation, struggle for power. All low vibratory frequencies.
True change occurs when we recognize and act on the basis of understanding that:
we are Divine human beings, co-creators together with the Universe.
Effective co-creation occurs when we raise our vibratory rate.
JoyGift takes you, in fact, to a high energy frequency – that of Joy and Love – which allows you to feel connected again with Consciousness or quantum field, thanks to which you recognize your Divine as well as human nature.
What is JoyGift
It is a spiritual gift that I had the honor and joy of receiving in 2008. It manifests itself as waves of energy that go from my heart to the people in front of me, pushes them slightly backwards and… re-opens the heart to the love and joy.
You can see how it happens in this video:
Beyond appearance Joy is always present.

Thank you, Giulia, for all the good you bring into this world